Do you like to spend reading online blog posts on a quiet evening ? Moreover, are you “hungry” for topics related to branding, SEO, copywriting or online marketing ? Then, you are at the right place.
Our team has written short articles on recurring themes related to our core business. We sincerly hope that these posts will help you understand basic terms in the life of a web developer, online marketer and graphic designer.
✓ Lean back and put your feets up
✓ Pour yourself your favourite drink
✓ Enjoy the reading
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Why is having a website important?
Empower your presence. A website, your virtual showcase, bridges gaps, fosters trust, and paints your...How much does SEO cost?
Avoid "Too Good to Be True" Offers and above all, understand your goals. SEO...SEO audit frequency
"Crawl, Optimize, Engage, Repeat" It's a continuous effort to improve your online presence and visibility...What is ATL and BTL?
ATL marketing is the visible part of the iceberg - marketing aiming mass reach and...What is data analysis ?
Data analytics is the future, and the future is NOW ! Every mouse click, keyboard...What is copywriting ?
Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun...Branding Vs. Brand identity
A brand is a story that is always being told. Each person tells it differently....Content writing : AIDA method
Content writing isn't about using big words to impress. It's about using simple words in...Logo design Tips
Your brand identity must strike your customers mind and remain their first choice when they...What is SEO?
SEO is understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines. Moreover, it's...