Community Management

We build the bridge between your brand and online community

To begin with, more then ever, businesses need help with their social media strategy. That said, our community managers are ready to monitor and engage with your communty. Furthermore, to help promising businesses, we offer affordable and customized solutions.

Community management is a hot topic these days. That said, brands have the tremendous tasks not only to find new customers but also retain existing ones. Thus, one of the best ways to simultaneously achieve both goals is developing engaged communities. Furthermore, Shinebright Design’s community managers thrive to connect with relevant communities, build relationships, and create value for the followers. We are on the front lines, helping retain existing customers and reach new ones.

What is the difference between social media and community manager ?

Both are often mistaken. First, social media marketers create and curate content for a brand. Hence, they are focused on putting out content and getting it seen by a general audience. This content usually comes directly from the brand, rather than an individual.

On the other hand, community managers typically get to use their real identity. Thus, instead of posting content as a faceless brand, community managers use their own identity to forge relationships and talk with customers. Moreover, they are also willing to go wherever the conversation is happening, which means that it sometimes involves posting on forums, interacting with bloggers, or other methods of driving conversation and engagement.

At ShineBright Design, we work on both facets. That said, we become ambassador of your brand or we cultivate a more general identity and image of your brand.

Consistent and engaging posting

If your audience knows they’ll be a worthwhile discussion on a specific day then you can bet they’ll be checking in at least once per week. Besides best posting hours, our team will ask the right questions to your audience and will give directions to bring forth responses.

Monitor channels

Our social media or community managers’ team will meet people where their conversations are happening. Hence, to find those specific locations will depend on your specific brand.

Relevant conversations

A brand should remain strategic in the way it interacts on social media. Thererfore, meeting customers where they’re already having conversations is one of the major roles of a community manager. We choose carefully where to share your brand’s knowledge, products or services.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

Mother Teresa
We create engaging content and posts

A digital studio crafting engaging content

ShineBright Design’s team not only has its designers and marketers but also its content writers to ensure a successful social media visbility and engagement.

The fact that content drives the internet is nothing new. However, nowadays, there is a greater emphasis on the importance of quality. Furthermore, online content is no longer primarily about written content without a mistake. Although textual content is still extremely important, visual content such as images, infographics, and videos are also very prevailing.

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Social Media Lead


Community Managers


Social media Managers


Content Writers