Logo Design

It's your make-or-break moment

Ready for your visual pitch ?

To start with, the most important step, even before creating your visual identity, is to have a clear vision of what you intend to sell. Moreover, you have to ask yourself “why” you do what you do. Indeed, great brands have a reason to be. For example, the SIGNAL brand (toothpaste) slogan is “because each smile counts”. That said, the brand has a deeper wish than just selling tootpaste that cleans or whitens teeth. Its purpose is to put a smile on each person’s face. This is the reason why they sponsor clowns in children hospitals or even airlines and their stewardesses who’s smile is very important when it comes to welcoming. Secondly, your product or service should respond to a need. At that stage, you need to take some time to work on your business plan. Only after, will you focus on your logo design.


What are the reasons you should have a logo ?

A logo is your business visual identity. However, an outstanding design alone, will not help you sell any products. Foremost, it helps your customers to recognize your products as well as to relate to your business identity. It is equal to the “first impression” you would make during an interview. Hence, the first “5 minutes” rule is also applying to a logo design. A professionally designed logo builds trust between your brand and your customers. Moreover, it sets the basics for your future visual brand elements which will differentiate you from your competition.

There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW ! Wow is the one to aim for.

Milton Glaser - Renowned graphic designer & typographer


1. Get to know

Discover the product/service and vision of the client’s business.

2. Exploration

Conduct research focused on the industry, its history and competitors.

3. Brainstorming

Conceptualize ideas and make decisions on the possible design directions.

4. Creative phase

Defining the logo design concepts around the brief and research.

5. Design Execution

Pick favorable concepts and reveal them to the client.

6. Revisions / Approval

Make amendments if necessary and together with the client focus towards the best solution.

7. Completion

Delivering the final logo design and handout identity guidelines.


Art Director


Graphic Designers


Image quality controler


Motion Graphic Designers